By Nicoli - 10/11/2011 18:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of five years was in a bad car crash, and ended up with a concussion. He didn't remember me. At all. But he remembered his other girlfriend he had cheated on me with for two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 919
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Consider it your chance to find someone better in life. **** him. Saves you the painful break-up, right?


minniemouse61 0

Welp ... Tht Sux HaHa AtLeast You Don't Have To Dump Him … He Already 4got U

iconoclasm101 0

Maybe, he doesn't remember the T.V. sofa, fridge, bank account, or just whatever you feel he needs to forget. Time for a garage sell, for break up party money.

I don't get why steal from the guy? Just take your own shit and leave! When ever I read how the OP should take shit, I always assume the post is from a dishonest person! Weed you guys out of the pack!

I'm not a doctor, but is amnesia usually that selective?

hennessy89 34

Something like this happened on Private Practice....she thought it was better to fake amnesia than actually break up with her boyfriend

Look im sorry he cheated on u but right now he needs u dont bail on him just yet

Alexisthebestest 16

He has two other girls. Besides, he cheated on her. This is exactly why you don't **** people over- because karma is a bitch.

igpyitl 0

He can need his other little *****. OP doesn't owe him anything.

perdix 29

It's probably that she's now the real girlfriend and he's been cheating on her with you. If you hadn't roped him in in five years, he obviously was holding on to you until something better came along. Two months ago, it did.

Well, I've got to agree with perdix....mistakes happen but when you cheat on someone for 2+ months that's no longer a mistake but a choice. I've never agreed with cheating period, I've always believed if you have it in your heart to cheat on someone that means you don't have it in your heart to truly be in love with them. Besides, cheating is easy, you wanna impress somebody try being faithful.

Oh wow. That is the most heartbreaking story I've heard in a long time.

Really sucks that you had to find out this way :( But at least you know now, and can hopefully move on to someone better for you.

Wow, that concussion sure didn't help his stupidity. I'm sorry OP, I hope you male the right choice and find someone more willing to care for you

Photoshop some pictures to help him remember your wedding day, honey moon, the new car he got you, etc. Be creative. If he uses the word "we" in any of his denials, his memory is just fine.