By kaitiem224 - 22/10/2015 02:52 - United States - Pratt

Today, my boyfriend of one year and seven months left me for not wanting to have a baby yet. I'm seventeen years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 066
You deserved it 2 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

And I was like baby, baby, baby noooo.

You're not even old enough to to have sex yet, let alone a baby


Good job on saying NO to that idiot and for being really mature at that age looks like your parents did right by you and raised you well...

Severefear 7

This doesn't seem like an fml. This seems more like an "idiot saved my life by leaving me before he could ruin my life"-ml

ohmyrosie 14

I'm proud of you for having your priorities straight. not bashing of young mothers. because life happens and there are some pretty damned good ones that I know, but live life by yourself to the fullest until you're ready to start adventure with your loved and little ones :)

Or she could just live life to the fullest without the little ones. That's what my life goal, at any rate.

I don't want kids either. I did have 2 unplanned while on birth control but had them adopted together. Kids are a huge responsibility and not something to take lightly.

I'm the same I'm 28 and have no intention of having kids, but that's a very personal choice and one my husband knows about and respects. To each their own right.

myoukei 31

Dude, this isn't so much of an FML as it is you dodging a major bullet. Different people want different things from their life. You want to do something with your youth, he wants to be saddled with a kid. Take it as a blessing. You'll find someone who's goals are in tune with yours. You have time. Good luck to you hun!

If I were you I'd have been ready to dump him anyways. Or I'd be like "yea, I'm not having a baby for 10-15 years so if you can't wait then we're over" and let him decide.

Your expression of your age suggests to me that you have never indicated that you wanted a baby anytime soon. That said, he is either very stupid or a very bad liar about why he really broke up with you.


did you tell him you didn't want to have one YET? or was it something more like I'm not sure I want to have a baby? Both mean slightly different things and if it's the first one FYL if it's the second choice good on your bf. That means that he knows he wants children and isn't going to allow himself to stay in a relationship with someone he is going to love who doesn't want them. Seems a bit early but I guess if you know what you want...

Does it actually matter? OP is 17. Her ex is also very young (or so I hope, otherwise, we've got very different reasons to be concerned about that relationship), so it's really early for him to be thinking about kids as well. Besides, some people marry and have kids with their high school sweethearts, but most don't. Any number of things could happen after OP graduates high school that would take their lives in different directions, so for him to dump her over the kids issue is really immature, IMHO.


Oh I don't disagree with you, I couldn't imagine worrying about if I wanted a child at 17. College seems a bit more of a pressing matter. I was just pointing out that maybe he isn't wanting to fall in love and potentially have the problem of being with someone long term who never wants a child. Sort of a looking out for what's best for his life type of deal. If he is 17 as well and this is the reigning issue in his life then maybe he is feeling rushed to have a family and not for good reasons. (my brother did that) if he is older then he is selfish for asking OP to end her career/life and have a child and make that huge commitment to him. He also could be just searching for an excuse to end the relationship. overall there is only speculation until there is a follow up.

It's probably for the best OP. You're very young and you have so much more ahead of you. You should travel and explore the world, expand your mind to new ideas and meet new friends. Children can always come later with the right person, who won't pressure you into it. Take care.