By kaitiem224 - 22/10/2015 02:52 - United States - Pratt

Today, my boyfriend of one year and seven months left me for not wanting to have a baby yet. I'm seventeen years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 066
You deserved it 2 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

And I was like baby, baby, baby noooo.

You're not even old enough to to have sex yet, let alone a baby


BeenIt 5

He's better off gone. Live your life, have fun. A baby can wait.

donjuan7113 11

Trust me, he did you a favor! You should be looking forward to going to college and getting an education and having fun, not waking up in all hrs of the night, changing diapers, worrying about formula, how to pay for all that, etc...

donjuan7113 11

Trust me, he did you a favor! You should be looking forward to going to college and getting an education and having fun, not waking up in all hrs of the night, changing diapers, worrying about formula, how to pay for all that, etc...

You're better off without someone who wants to rush something big like that. I know it's got to be rough, but it's for the best!.

Sounds like you're better off with out him

I have to tell ya, OP, this is for the best. You are only 17.

don't worry he'll have a baby soon since he's such a giant pussy

SelenaVive 4