By kaitiem224 - 22/10/2015 02:52 - United States - Pratt

Today, my boyfriend of one year and seven months left me for not wanting to have a baby yet. I'm seventeen years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 066
You deserved it 2 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

And I was like baby, baby, baby noooo.

You're not even old enough to to have sex yet, let alone a baby


that was to your benefit. good luck OP

I'm 31, and I don't want to have a baby yet...or ever! Not to worry, OP. You have plenty of time to meet someone who isn't still mentally a child himself.

To play devils advocate, maybe this is a case of miscommunication. He may have asked if she wanted kids in general, and didn't necessarily mean right now. I know if my now husband had told me he didn't want kids, when I was 17, I wouldn't have stayed with him because I know I wanted kids, just not at 17. If however, he wanted one right now, then you dodged a bullet. Baby's are life changing, and you should be able to experience some life on your own before you have one.

oh thank goodness you are more mature than him

aeryn97 17

better off without him. your life is just getting started and a baby is hard work and zero fun at the beginning

Erksangel 25

Your to young to have a baby, so this could be a good thing... Keep your head up I know break ups are hard..

why do some of you think op deserves this??? shame on you. I think she made the right move.

I think a lot of people think she deserves to be free from an idiot that wants her to have a baby at 17. Or it could be badge chasers.

Erm, probably a good idea to not be with him, to be honest!

cassiekinz 14

Ydi, because you deserve a better man.