By maybe dead in a day - 20/01/2013 19:28 - United States - Buffalo

Today, my boyfriend of three days met up with me at the movie theater, sporting a crude tattoo of my face on his cheek, along with a love heart and the word "forever." Looks like I'm single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 883
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy... Although if he does do anything else at least he'll be easily identifiable by his shitty tattoo.

Good thing you found out he was crazy early, eh?


Maybe that was his way of dumping you?

A face tattoo is still a psycho way to dump someone.

FHL (**** His Life) He's obviously got major attachment issues and now he has a permanent reminder of you...

AshleyAndAshli 9

Hey baby, I got a tattoo of your face, on my face.

I had an ex who would show up looking for me every couple of months with roses. We dated in high school! Anyways, 'til this day I am terrified of him. Don't be like me OP. This guy is not all there in his head.

it never said they met 3 days ago or just started flirting 3 days ago or whatever. then the comment could make sense. in this context though, you are just an idiot.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe people like this guy actually exists

How comes everyone has a stalker but me? It's just like I have never broken a bone either so I have no idea what the to feel like!

I have had a few stalkers. When it's just mild thing where they're looking at you from far away or trying to be the same place as you are, it's pretty OK, especially if they're the same age as you. I also have one that I definitely don't like. It's a black man from north Africa that has problems with his legs. He's about 20 years older than me and I get quite scared every time I see his friends looking at me because he once stopped me on the street and wanted me to marry him... it may be paranoid, but I'm actually a bit afraid of his friends kidnapping me... he's been stalking me for about 7 years now and it's really no fun. It's basically a person that I don't want to talk to, but that wants to talk with me, who is way too old for me, who I'm avoiding, and it's nothing to brag about to your friends either - you don't feel proud for having a stalker - you feel scared...

Am I the only one wondering how a temp tattoo of your face was made?

If you are really worried and a restraining order doesn't work, I hear it's quite warm in Australia. Best of luck.

symotomsofhope 5

Here's to hoping he doesn't stalk you.