By maybe dead in a day - 20/01/2013 19:28 - United States - Buffalo

Today, my boyfriend of three days met up with me at the movie theater, sporting a crude tattoo of my face on his cheek, along with a love heart and the word "forever." Looks like I'm single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 877
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy... Although if he does do anything else at least he'll be easily identifiable by his shitty tattoo.

Good thing you found out he was crazy early, eh?


Since when did Gay men started going on dates with you?

CharresBarkrey 15

If someone asks you to be their girlfriend and you agree, three days later he will have been your boyfriend for three days.

Someone needs some relationship lessons lol. Watch your back front and both sides.

Pimp My Face: Yo, I heard you like faces, so we got you a face on your face, so you can look at a face while you look at your face!

jogihoppa8343 23

facial tattoos in just 3 days..sounds really GREAT!! I salute him for sacrificing his cheek for his great love.. this bastard son of Romeo must be honored with Nobel award.

I wonder what the tattoo artist thought. Don't they sometimes ask questions like, "so how long have you been dating this girl?"

Epikouros 31

Since it was a crude tattoo, maybe he inked himself.