By bigbum - 04/11/2012 09:50 - Australia - Glenroy

Today, my boyfriend of two years proposed to me. It would have been great if he weren't drunk with a naked girl next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 147
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

Drunk words are sober thoughts? Not sure if it helps at this point though.


You clearly mistook his proposal of a threesome the wrong way.

Maybe he decided that was his last random fling.

blackvyper 8

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

So. Did you accept? Jeez women can be so picky.

YeniDewie 0

how can u let your bf get drunk, moreover beside a naked girl ?

Yeah... "She let it happen" blame her for other people's choices.

I'm in an open relationship, and my g/f and I congratulate each other on our hookups...and even I don't think I'd do anything this tacky.