By Cococautly - 04/07/2009 04:49 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me at the zoo. With a Ring Pop. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 802
You deserved it 13 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omg i personally think thats adorable and I would like melt. except i am not the hugest fan of the zoo... but a ring-pop engagement is adorable! but if he didnt get you a REAL ring as well. yeah no bueno

Not gonna lie... that's really cute. I hope you said yes.


that is soo cute since we're in a financial downdraft a think a ring pop is just a surrogate for the actual marriage ring :D well for me that would be pretty romantic ;)

I'm engaged and I don't even have a ring. Don't care, either. If it's such a big deal for you that you're not getting an omgexpensive diamond ring, you might want to bloody well reevaluate your relationship there. Hell, I don't think he should even get you a fancy one afterward. Materialistic bitches like you ruin it for the rest of us.

mastory96 0

okay, everyone who said she shouldn't complain obviously isn't a woman. it's the thought that counts, certainly, but the quality of everything also shows how much he absolutely loves you, and wants to make you happy. the economy DOES suck, but still, he could've gotten a cheap-ish promise ring or something f the sort. you may love him, and you may marry him, but he also sounds kind of cheap...

i'm a woman, and i think she's complaining about nothing of importance. i mean.. it's a ring. a ******* ring. god. you might say he's cheap and all and "if he really loved her, he'd get her a real ring". if she really loved him, it wouldn't matter. at all.

I'm a woman and I think you're full of shit. It was an adorable, creative proposal. The ring will probably come later, but the ring is just a symbol. The promise it stands for is what counts. I think you're a greedy bitch.

i couldnt agree more with the women up there :)

perussian 0

He would've wanted to shower her with all she wanted and get her the world... or at least giver her all he could give her. Thats how a lot of girls think and how i think. So when he gives her a ring pop is shows how much he really wants to give her all he can, and he can probably give more than a ring pop. So FYL.

I am a woman. She shouldn't complain. There it is.

I can't choose one... I think it's adorable, I'd love if a guy proposed to me that way, so no, I don't think your life is ******. On the other hand, judging from your reaction, I can't really say you deserved it. You don't sound like you deserve such a sweet and spontaneous proposal.

AntiChrist7 0

YDi for dating someone with the mental age of 8.

... mhkay. I don't get your mentality. If your life sucks because of a supersweet and creative proposal, I say.. good luck ever find happiness in your life. Poor thing.

Ungrateful ****. Also #4 clearly has an IQ in the single digits.

OH MA GADD, i wanna get proposed to with a ring pop :'] im not kidding, THATS AWESOME!