By storyofmylife - 23/02/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me. Everything was going perfectly, right up until he brought me back to his house to tell his family the good news. When I excused myself to the restroom, I overheard his mom say, "I thought you were going to break up with that stupid slut?" Welcome to the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 524
You deserved it 4 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Before you marry into this family, you should have a frank discussion with your fiancé and let him know that you expect him to stand up for you to his mother - and anyone else - who would say disparaging things about you. Since his mother has been identified as a potential problem, he should speak with her in private ASAP to inform her that he didn't appreciate what she said and that further comments of that nature will not be tolerated. Good luck.

What a bitch. You should go out of your way to piss her off for the rest of her life. >:]


... not to be rude but if his family doesn't like you you shouldent get married, you'll never be happy enough

coryadam23 0

My family hated my fiance, now we are married, having a daughter and everyone gets along. It just takes time.

HeavyMetalRocks 0

i love the unententional reference to AX7's song, Welcome to the Family. Hurray! GL with that family btw.

Radek18 0

"but you can't win this fight!" haha I thought the same thing when I read it

well I see this as an opportunity to try and make her feel different about you.

xxKaylennaxx 0

Wow what a bitch? That's what my gramma did to my mom

cptmorgan15 2

Standing in the blue corner at 5' 4", weighing 115 lbs, we have "Stupid ****". Her opponent, standing in the red corner at 5' 3", weighing 210 lbs, we have "Bitch Soon-To-Be Mother-In-Law." This is going to be a great bout Phil! I can only imagine how it's going to end!

can't help but feel you cheated at some point and the two of you worked through it.

GLiTTeRz 0

I get that same feeling. if we figure this out and bust the OP , it could be like scooby doo at the end "yeah I wouldve gotten away with it to if it weren't for you meddling kids." ;D