By _schaden_freude - 27/12/2015 17:31 - United Kingdom - Ashford

Today, my boyfriend's dad came onto me. I was shocked and awkwardly tried to exit the situation. My boyfriend then sprang out and started shouting at me. Apparently, it was a "test" to see if I would still be attracted to him in 30 years. I failed. What. The. Fuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 425
You deserved it 1 841

Same thing different taste


That is beyond weird. My partner & I are clutching our stomachs laughing. Crazy Years ago when I was 16 my ex partners dad came up behind me & put his hands down my top. Took me a moment to realise it was his dad. Worst thing was he was my mums childhood friend. Ppl can be creepy

That seems very backward. .just run and don't look back ?

That is so messed up!!! I think you can find a boyfriend who isn't so crazy!

That is pretty messed up hahahahaha lol

rice_baller 2

drop him cause hes not worth it

Leave the relationship. Or at least talk it out very seriously. a Test of any kind like that is a big red flag. it shows a lack of trust and tremendous disrespect to your partner. whether that's a man testing a woman or vice versa. you aren't supposed to make your SO jump through hoops. because that's manipulation and emotional abuse. so **** them and the dad figuratively speaking.

Xandrick 22

What. The. ****. Indeed. What a stupid test. It's counterproductive. Did he not think that maybe his girlfriend would be faithful to him and decline his father's advances because of it??

tell him that he's a lot attractive than his dad or say he seems to resemble his mother more ??