What are you doing?
By dating a moron - 14/12/2014 17:30 - United States - Dearborn

By dating a moron - 14/12/2014 17:30 - United States - Dearborn
By Perdito_Coño - 05/09/2014 20:55 - Australia - Quakers Hill
By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 08:45 - Canada - Richmond
By :(( - 28/09/2013 21:24 - Australia - Brisbane
By katie - 25/05/2011 08:23
By oops999 - 19/11/2013 19:46 - United States - Downingtown
By anonymous - 21/06/2009 02:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/03/2013 16:59 - Germany - Dortmund
By sexisntfun - 30/03/2015 02:13 - United States
By Anon. - 01/03/2011 23:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/09/2020 08:03 - United Kingdom - Bristol
Yeah that's sorta racist sorry about that op that must've scarring. You'll find someone better
Wait, what? She was trying to please him and you drop a hint that he should break up? I doubt she is a racist, otherwise she wouldn't be with him.
I was trying to edit that comment, but time was over. What I wanted to add: yeah, she was thinking in stereotypes which is inappropriate but also something one can overcome and not a reason to break up (to my mind).
To be fair they sound pretty young, she's probably one of those kids who is thinks **** is a realistic depiction of sex. I'm sure after a talk it'll be better.
"I'm not dating a Japanese pornstar. I'm dating you. Just be you, please...."
Maybe she wants to be a Japanese **** star.
Or "Maybe I should date one then"
Better than her trying to be a grandma/mature pornstar
Perfect line for a romantic comedy
Wow, that's pretty dang racist. Time for a serious talk with her
Racism refers to depicting a race as inferior, how does the girlfriend moaning like a Japanese pornstar make her racist?
she used a stereotype...
Not racist, just ignorant
It was racist. That doesn't mean there was any nasty intent behind it. Saying that black people have natural rhythm is racist but is almost always meant as a compliment.
Racism =/= Stereotyping
That is one of the funniest stereotypes I have heard in a long time. Sorry op, that really sucks.
hahaha that made me laugh, sorry ??
that my friend, is freaking Hilarious! made my day haha
This sort of reminds me of the FML posted not too long ago where the girl called the guy "papi" during sex just because he was Latino xD
Well, if she calls me "papi" during sex, I wouldn't mind lol.
"Pollo frito!!"
that's kind of offensive I guess.. but atleast she tries..
Don't know why you're getting so many down votes. I agree, she was doing it to try to turn on her boyfriend and make him have a good time. Not cause of any desire to insult him.
"I'm not dating a Japanese pornstar. I'm dating you. Just be you, please...."
Yeah that's sorta racist sorry about that op that must've scarring. You'll find someone better