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By girlwithaprob - 13/11/2010 21:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me I was the only girl he'd ever text, call, or flirt with again. Later on he told two other girls exactly the same thing on Facebook, not realizing that everybody can read wall messages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 833
You deserved it 3 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love watching peoples' lives fall apart via Facebook :)


ledzeppelinIV 0

i agree.. like seriously who doesnt know that wall posts are public. what an Asshole!

Hgielad_720 0

Why are you whining on FML? Dump that stupid bitch!

Hgielad_720 0

Well **** me sideways and call me Alan (FML Staff), I'm a stupid, stupid little girl.

Hgielad_720 0

Wow. I didn't realize that's why it got modded.

Hgielad_720 0

Also, don't act like I actually read the rules. Who would be stupid enough to waste their time doing that?

bamagrl410 31

Maybe he just has trouble remembering your name.

tex_mex13 0

you should dump him just for being stupid , oh yeah and cheating on you

ladies_man217 0

who the hell cares it's not like he cheated on you

janelly16 7
jackirose 0

ha. your name is Janel kinda rhymes with anal your picture makes it look even more true...

butthole_cheeze 0

hahahah 19, that was the funniest sh i have read on fml.

RedPillSucks 31

He got nailed by the "dumbass" detector.