By Wenny - 18/01/2009 12:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that he was gay and that he is in love with my younger brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 430
You deserved it 2 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a twin brother. I used to get a little upset because whenever I found something I was good at, he'd decide to give it a shot, and without even trying, he'd turn out to be better than me after taking have the time to learn the skill. The inferiority complex didn't form until three boyfriends (in a row) came out of the closet immediately after dating me. All three of them said the same thing. "I guess I was just more interested in your brother..." My brother's not gay.


FYL indeed. That really sucks. What a douchebag...

Incest AND threesome AND gayness. Sounds like you made off like a bandit.

girlwhoactshigh 0

:~o Dude lucky~ well maybe not THAT lucky cuz you just got used BUT lucky cuz now you have YAOI XD nah just foolin around but still YAOI~ think of it this way you may have gotten used but look on the brightside now you get to tell your lil bro who maybe a homophobic or maybe hes gay >:P

db112274 0

omg really. i feel as if this is happening with my sisters boyfriend and me. because like when when he comes over he starts flirting with me and starts saying all this stuff. It's creepy. And I'm straight