By Ugh - 13/09/2015 06:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that I moan too much when we have sex. I actually just fake my moans in an effort to cover the sound of my cracking hips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 395
You deserved it 5 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he won't mind if you explain, I know my boyfriend used to laugh at my knees clicking when I was on top, but he got over it eventually, now it's just funny. Explain to him you were a bit embarrassed by the sound and I'm sure he'll understand

Maybe you should see a chiropractor. It might help. Talk to your bf op and explain about your hips. I'm sure he will be understanding.


pennsatucky 12

This made me cringe so hard. That must not be very enjoyable. FYL OP.

steam_engenius 21

I don't think there's really any good reason to fake sexual satisfaction with a partner....he could probably tell your moans seemed automatic or something, which is likely why he said you do it too much :/

Faking moans doesn't necessarily mean faking satisfaction. Some people (such as myself) just don't naturally moan even if satisfied. Personally, I don't moan until I've orgasmed (because I can't ****** if I'm moaning- too distracting) and then, if my partner hasn't gotten off yet, I commence performative moaning in order to get him there. If I could reach ****** while moaning, it would be fake moaning in that it doesn't come naturally, but it would be real satisfaction. Also, guys are really bad at detecting when women are faking, just saying. There have been studies.

I think there's letting your partner know you're having fun and then there's blatantly faking it because you think your partner expects a **** star performance. The later is annoying for everyone involved, especially your neighbours. Also I've got that feeling where I've seen 'moan' written down too many times and now it sounds really weird.

steam_engenius 21

I personally would be creeped out/offended if someone faked anything for me. That's just me.

Go to the doctor and try playing music maybe? :)

You should just be honest OP I'm sure he would understand and not mind if you just tell him the truth.

Well, good sex involves communication and all that, if he thinks all the moaning is for his benefit it's fair enough to (respectfully) let his preferences be known!

Jethco 15

There's nothing worse in bed than a fake.

There's nothing to be ashamed of OP. My hips consistently pop during intercourse when I'm on top and occasionally during other positions. My SO doesn't mind it at all. When you're in the moment all that seems to fall into the background and you only focus on the experience.

sailorarctic 22

are you self conscious about thw cracking so you fake it so he won't notice or is he hurting you on accident and you moan to cover when that happens? if its the former don't worry about it. everyone's too busy enjoying themselves to notice so creaky joints. if its the later you should really talk to him about position changes that may help with the cracking