By Ugh - 13/09/2015 06:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that I moan too much when we have sex. I actually just fake my moans in an effort to cover the sound of my cracking hips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 395
You deserved it 5 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he won't mind if you explain, I know my boyfriend used to laugh at my knees clicking when I was on top, but he got over it eventually, now it's just funny. Explain to him you were a bit embarrassed by the sound and I'm sure he'll understand

Maybe you should see a chiropractor. It might help. Talk to your bf op and explain about your hips. I'm sure he will be understanding.


Play music or the TV or tell him to talk dirty.

quarterbird 18

Why cover up the sound of your hips cracking? Unless your bf is some kind of weirdo... We. Don't. Care.

nonsensical 26

1) Possibly the hip sound is not that loud - normally we hear better the sounds from inside our body than others may hear the same sound. Imagine heartbeat, if its accelerated, you hear it, others don't. 2) If it is real - see a doctor. There is shitloads of things that can go wrong and sooner you fix them, better for everybody. And cheaper to solve problem while its smaller. 3) play music in the background 4) Practice screaming in between moans. Being vocal about sex is nothing bad.

Faking satisfaction is low. I could understand why he might not want to be with you now. If you would have told him upfront, then you wouldn't even be in this situation right now. Honesty is always the best policy and if you're THAT self-conscious over something so miniscule, it may be time to grow up. It's a relationship and if you're fake moaning, that hurts his self-esteem because that's how he'll see you from now on. You dug yourself into a whole that you could have easily avoided if you would have been upfront with him at the beginning.

That should a good sign to him...but hopefully hearing that will not make an issue for the future...

Fake it till you make it. A BBC wouldn't have you faking though just saying.

Don't worry OP, my hips crack regularly and i'm a guy, my knees crack when I go up stairs and sometimes my feet crack just by walking, it's completely normal

It's just a cracking hip,right? Nothing to be embarrassed about I guess! Don't worry he will laugh at first but will get used to it! Cheers op!