By catt - 17/10/2014 20:12 - Germany - Berlin

Today, my boyfriend tried to rid me of my hiccups. As he'd screamed at me and I'd pissed my pants, I just burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 547
You deserved it 4 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've never gotten rid of the hiccups by getting scared. Usually a glass of water helps. Or holding my breath. Either one


Zottenpedj 21

wasn't this on 9gag, but from the bf's view?

Wow OP... Your boyfriend's screaming worked. Only problem is; it worked on the wrong organs.... Maybe next time try a more bladder friendly way to get rid of your hiccups.

It shouldn't matter if they went away or not. What really matters is her boyfriend screaming at her over hiccups and making her so scared she peed and started crying. That's emotional abuse right there and shouldn't be taken lightly. Who knows how many times he's acted in such a harsh way over something so small.

I think he's trying to purposely scare away her hiccups, actually

#42 was going for sarcasm right? Please tell me that was over the top sarcasm gone wrong.

I think #42 was going for sarcasm. No one can be that stupid...

tantanpanda 26

42 needs to work on her interpreting skills.

I apologize for my previous comment. It was unnecessary to make such an ignorant remark, and I'll be honest that it wasn't sarcasm. From what I took from the FML, I thought her boyfriend was screaming at her for having hiccups as if it pissed him off. As I read #43's reply to my comment and actually used my brain, that's when I realized how stupid I sounded. I even tried to report myself to get it deleted. Again, I'm sorry about my awful comment.

You pissed yourself and started crying because he was yelling at you? Are you 2 years old? Piss yourself?

She could have a nervous bladder. Also, I cry too when people yell at me, idk why but it just happens. You just made yourself sound like a complete asshole, congratulations!

sorry Mr perfect pants but sometimes when you're not expecting someone to just start randomly yelling at you, yes it's a cause for alarm in some people. she couldn't help crying or peeing her pants. hope you'll be able to laugh it off later OP. good luck

Just for that 27, I hope you get a severe and rapid onset of explosive diarrhea, while on public transport & you have to use your socks to try and clean yourself up.

BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

Dick move on his part. Batman has spoken.

Batman takes some serious drugs to by the looks of his pic.

The sure way to cure hiccups is to trick your brain into thinking something else, something random. Whenever someone around me and they had hiccups, I would tell them, "You know, if you think about cows your hiccups will go away." It completely confuses them and they start wondering how the hell that could even work. But it does. It doesn't have to be cows, it could be pink mice doing the can-can in purple tutus. Try it on someone and watch the results.

dave20012 15

This actually makes sense. I do the same thing (think of something else) but not animals...anything else just to distract my mind at the same time hold my breathe

@31 If her mind wasn't distracted enough by pissing herself and crying I would be very surprised. Pretty sure I wouldn't just carry on thinking about whatever I was before if I pissed myself.

@47: Haha, no I'm sure she was very distracted at that point. My original point was there is a way to get rid of them without screaming or trying to scaring someone so bad that they piss themselves.

Hold your breath and swallow three times (while still holding your breath). It always works for me, so it's at least worth a try.