By Stinky. - 09/04/2012 03:29 - United States - Chicago

Today, my boyfriend was complaining about how we never see the movies he wants to see. So I took him to the movies, and he picked which one. Then he fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 702
You deserved it 2 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have just got up and left to see a movie you like.

Oh well, he was probably just tired. It's not a big deal.


go for **** movie n tell him to go for sleeps .

RKD 23

LOL #70-that would keep him awake! That was kinda douchey for him to fall asleep, but not really a huge deal-if he is really important to you, try to overlook it!

dianadoll 23

my boyfriend falls asleep in movies all the time

He told you that he was not going to see the movies he wanted, you should have listened to him!

It appears I married your boyfriend's clone. Mine even fell asleep on our first date !!!

sbuxsux11 8

this is more like FHL. from now on when he complains you get to say you fell asleep during yours so i get to pick is this an fml? i agree with previous- now he has more energy for getting it on later