By Stinky. - 09/04/2012 03:29 - United States - Chicago

Today, my boyfriend was complaining about how we never see the movies he wants to see. So I took him to the movies, and he picked which one. Then he fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 702
You deserved it 2 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have just got up and left to see a movie you like.

Oh well, he was probably just tired. It's not a big deal.


TheElderTROLLZ 15

Maybe he did it on purpose?

I fell asleep watching new Friday 13th, but it really wasn't great.

whats the problem.......? honestly its not a big deal.

Wow, what a traumatic experience, I hope your alright! Must be a slow news day if this got on.

Hmmm i think you should assert your dominance and demand to see a movie you want or he gets no sex.

What's wrong with going to see a movie only you want to see by yourself and vice versa? I went to see The Lorax by myself because my Fiance didn't grow up on Dr. Seuss and wasn't interested. Not going to force someone to see a movie just because I want to see it.

Big deal, he was tired.. Should've gone to see Rachcha! No one can fall asleep during that!