By badboyfriend101 - 12/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was continuously telling me how great my best friend smelled the other night and how I should wear some perfume that smelled like that. I have the same exact perfume and have been wearing it for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 943
You deserved it 4 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

Perfume can smell different on different people... Don't worry, unless he starts flirting with your friend or trying to hook up with her.

maybe he though she smelled sexy because she smelled like you.


One of the first things you have to learn about perfume is that they smell different on different people... Something that's good for your friend might smell a lot worse on you

Then you must be wearing it wrong.

kaitlyn3xo 0

he's prob just used to it on you

put a dab of it behind each ear it hold the scent all day

where is everyone reading that her boyfriend said her bestfriend is sexy not one word in this fml says says she smells great...hello ppl read

sashalynn 0

Don't worry, Badboyfriend, everyone's body chemistry is different and makes perfumes smell differently on different people. So if you and your friend bought the same perfume, it's going to smell differently for both of you.

you shouldn't worry about your perfume more like what he was doing smelling ur friends neck

Captain0bv10us 0

Don't worry, it shouldn't lead to anything serious. Perfume smells slightly different on everyone.

i bet he's going to think you smell great now that he realizes you actually have the same perfume

LarLar7695 5