By badboyfriend101 - 12/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was continuously telling me how great my best friend smelled the other night and how I should wear some perfume that smelled like that. I have the same exact perfume and have been wearing it for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 943
You deserved it 4 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

Perfume can smell different on different people... Don't worry, unless he starts flirting with your friend or trying to hook up with her.

maybe he though she smelled sexy because she smelled like you.


Victoria Secret's Love Spell body lotion. Mmm. :)

sodawater19 0

damn a bunch of hating bitches posted on this......... perfume smells different depending strictly on your body chem, just bc it smells one way in the bottle doesnt mean it will smell that way once you put it on. Quit being so insecure, be happy that your bf made a suggestion on something for you to wear. I love how woman always say they want their man to be honest no matter what, when we do you throw it back in our faces. @27 its unnecessary shit like that, that makes immature women annoying

What he meant to say was... "Your best friend is way more attractive and I would rather be with her"... He's not going to "hump" your best friend, he has been for 3 months!!! I know, I've been there! (I would be the guy banging your BFF)

He told you how "sexy" she smelled..? Wow. Two words - Dump him.

anicolelove 0

dump his ass he is obviously not that into you, especially if he can't keep shit like that to himself. Why on earth would he think you want to hear how sexy your best friend smells? YOU DESERVE BETTER

Perfume stinks. Under normal conditions I would prefer the real sense of a woman.

dantheman_fml 0

hes trying to tell you that you are fat.... sorry

jAmbre 0

Your BF sucks for these two reasons: 1. For not knowing about fragrance and body chemistry (after all of the web/ magazine articles that have come out on the subject as of late, there is no excuse). 2. For being a disrespectful, insensitive douche bag. Only an imbecile would tell their GF that they like the way another woman smells. He obviously doesn't care about you-and is that said imbecile. As for you, you deserve much better. Dump that loser and find a hot guy who likes the way that YOU smell. Trust me, he's out there.

Genetically, some people are more attracted to others based off of factors of smell and other senses. This is to create the best offspring with the best immunity and such by having different immune systems to pass down. It could not be the perfume he thinks smells good, in otherwords. It's a survival instinct that has become esentially obsolete, but still exists.

wassup12345 0

it's not his fault, be easy on him. and ya he's probably ******* your friend