By badboyfriend101 - 12/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was continuously telling me how great my best friend smelled the other night and how I should wear some perfume that smelled like that. I have the same exact perfume and have been wearing it for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 943
You deserved it 4 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

Perfume can smell different on different people... Don't worry, unless he starts flirting with your friend or trying to hook up with her.

maybe he though she smelled sexy because she smelled like you.


a couple of people above are right. people have their own unique smell. so the perfume smells different on you than on her. especially #3's simple answer seems right. her smell might be more "attractive" to his genes than your smell.

Yulia_fml 0

The word "sexy" was used in reference to another girl. You've got a cheater on your hands...I'd be careful if I were you.

78: I wouldn't count on that. My first boyfriend told me all the time how sexy every one of our female friends was, and who he would sleep with if he wasn't, y'know, totally faithful. Knew how to make a girl feel special. But since he didn't have a chance with them, he just tried to turn me into them. (Why can't you dress like her, do your make-up like her, you're so boring, why don't you do drugs?) Not saying this is what the boyfriend in this case is doing, but it sounds more like that than cheating. Or he's just a little inconsiderate and unobservant.

Just go by some J'Adore and he will love the way you smell instead of her =)

Laiaira 0

I am sure other people mentioned this - but just wanted to say pefume can smell differently on different people. It has to do with our pheromones. We had one of those "party" people come to our bookclub to seel some stuff, and she gave us a perfume to put on that brought out our different pheromones. It was the same perfume, but each of us smelled differently, based on our body chemicals. Also, she told us to keep smelling it as the night wore on - and the scent kept changing. Very interesting stuff! #78 - so true, I feel the same way out the OP's boyfriend. He is definitely inconsiderate and unobservant. Sounds like he needs to "smart up" and figure out that complimenting other girls will get him no where (in bed)! :)

couragewolf9001 0

Seduce your boyfriend, getting him drunk can also play to your advantage, and say you're going to give him a full body massage. As he's covered in massage oil, prepare your strap-on, and give him a surprise. That'll teach him.

agrees with 1 and 3, your body oils, pheramones and other emiisions and scents combine with perfume/after shave to give a distinct smell, ur perfume obviously doesnt suit u, try a few out, if your mum or dad have similar skin to you try some of the brands that they use.

Ae_hunt 0

Maybe if the rest of you didn't smell like ass he'd recognize the perfume...

Good lord... Yeah, I think the overall opinion here is that you should just try different perfume. I have no idea where all these ***** got the idea that because something smells good on someone else and you have the same thing, that means that person is a ****. Bad experiences? #83, maybe if you didn't look like an ass, you'd have a girlfriend and wouldn't have to come on FML to make yourself feel better. And to all the people saying "OH MY GOD HE SAID SHE'S SEXY HE'S CHEATING", the word "sexy" means someone has sex appeal. Since when does that mean he's cheating.

Exactly what number 1 said. It smells different on different people. Tell him to stop smelling your friends, AND to stop talking about it, kinda rude/mean.