By TrophyGirlfriend - 17/08/2009 05:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was fired. After breaking the news, he also broke up with me. Apparently, his boss had a creepy crush on me and would give my boyfriend bonuses for bringing me to company events and, occasionally, out on the boss's personal boat. Looks like I am no longer useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 907
You deserved it 3 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, it means you're attractive enough for someone else at the very least.

At least you can go out with the boss now. He has a boat! BOATS AND HOES!


gblossom94 0

I am SOO sorry! that really sucks!

The boss probably had cameras set up on the boat. You might be an internet star! FYL, indeed!

AntiChrist7 0

ydi for not realizing ur a trophy. wake up you dumb bimbo. and make me a sammich

chowyuk 0

wow fyl for no longer being someones tool, I think your better off but seems you have self esteem issues if you think your live is ****** because of this

leeenerz 0

no shes obviously saying that was a ****** up thing that happened, shes not saying her life is ****** because its OVER. roar

leeenerz 0

edit..that was a reply to 33 it wont let me change it

purpurp 0

Well, at least you have proof that your hot.

redblueviolet 0

At least you know the truth now. It's better than living a lie and thinking your boyfriend likes or loves you when you were just being used. Sucks though, knowing that you DID live a lie for some time...

#27, letyoudie, Give the lady a break! She was in love with a guy and it was HE who sold her to the boss! He's the sleazy pimp. You shouldn't call a beautiful woman in need a sympathy a slutty *****. You should call her an opportunity!