By TrophyGirlfriend - 17/08/2009 05:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
By jcstpierre - 24/04/2009 10:41 - United States
By WrongPlaceWrongTime - 25/06/2016 18:51 - France
By mjohnston - 27/03/2009 14:47 - United States
By flyakite - 22/08/2014 03:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/02/2010 00:22 - United States
By mermaidkeels - 18/06/2016 08:51 - United States
By justin - 13/12/2013 03:08 - United States - Waco
By salope - 26/08/2015 08:33 - France - Paris
By mysterygurll1234567 - 20/01/2010 05:09 - United States
By replaced - 22/02/2016 03:03 - United States - Marietta
Top comments
The boss probably had cameras set up on the boat. You might be an internet star! FYL, indeed!
ydi for not realizing ur a trophy. wake up you dumb bimbo. and make me a sammich
#27, letyoudie, Give the lady a break! She was in love with a guy and it was HE who sold her to the boss! He's the sleazy pimp. You shouldn't call a beautiful woman in need a sympathy a slutty *****. You should call her an opportunity!
That's so twisted. FYL.
On the bright side, it means you're attractive enough for someone else at the very least.
At least you can go out with the boss now. He has a boat! BOATS AND HOES!