By TrophyGirlfriend - 17/08/2009 05:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was fired. After breaking the news, he also broke up with me. Apparently, his boss had a creepy crush on me and would give my boyfriend bonuses for bringing me to company events and, occasionally, out on the boss's personal boat. Looks like I am no longer useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 903
You deserved it 3 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, it means you're attractive enough for someone else at the very least.

At least you can go out with the boss now. He has a boat! BOATS AND HOES!


So go get the BOSS! Ugh. Women are so stupid.

you should ask for a cut of those bonuses lol.

HemptressMedea 0

Go for his boss then. He's got some money if all else fails and it's definitely a kick in the balls to your ex :P

hateevryone 14

omg. that's so messed up. i know how it feels to be used honey. it hurts

jweb1434 6