By Wawawiwa - 21/07/2010 23:44 - Namibia

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. After removing my underwear, he started singing "In the jungle, the mighty jungle..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 827
You deserved it 53 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, your bf is awesome, stop complaining

my comment never showed ip :( I was first too D: anyways, all my comment was was "the penis sleeps toniiiiight" ;)


Why is it that girlfriends don't seem to have a sense of humour on here?

omega802 0

lol I that a turn off?? I should stop doing that then

Lithicus 0

A machete may be needed but personally I like them hairy.

WhoaIsa 0

bf win. you should so keep him since he apparently has an awesome sense of humor

Didn't you guys hear? The 70's are coming back in fashion. It's all about the down under afro with circles in the know!