By Kayt - 03/10/2011 04:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me for the first time. He stopped just as I was about to orgasm, and asked if I could finish by myself. Apparently he'd come up with a new algorithm for the Rubik's Cube on my desk and wanted to try it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 489
You deserved it 4 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That damned Rubiks Cube, I've still never solved one.

yamatelle 19

OP, Rubik's Cubes are like penises. The more you play with them the harder they get.


RedPillSucks 31

Next time, put a rubix cube in your vag and ask him if he can solve that one.

Your life sucks. You're dating a guy who is to dumb to solve it? Give me a scrambled cube and 13-17 seconds and I will give you a solved cube and finish up your ******

since when does being unable to complete a rubiks cube mean you're dumb. The fact that you compare being able to complete a rubiks cube to being intelligent makes you sound really dumb yourself

Being able to solve one has a direct link to logic and problem solving abilities. That or memory of the algorithm used to solve it in a fast time. In short yes it does relate to intelligence.

I'd say there is a slight relation there but not a very big one. Some people who have learning difficulties can be amazing at Rubik's Cubes whilst many people who are "genius'" can be completely thrown by them

ikickgingers 15

I guess I don't get it... How boring is going down on you? Or is this a guy thing? I am not privvy to the male psyche.... :/

I guess some people think that nerds are sexy, but I just don't get it

DruidForLife 0

That's because you're probably a ditzy blonde who has no brain cells to speak of, so you don't understand how nifty they can be.

Zombie65 0 boyfriend in your future?

rubiks cubes arent hard, they come with instructions to memorize...

On the bright side, if he really is the one, you'll have smart children.