By SecondBest,IGuess - 30/04/2013 17:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was watching TV, when we started getting frisky. I'd just started to give him a blowjob when he pushed me off and said, "Fun's over." Dragon Ball Z had just come back on. He's 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 500
You deserved it 16 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha at least u know he's not using you for sex

I dunno why he did, it's 20 minutes of yelling and powering up...


Jordan_markel 10

That sounds like something my cousin and brother would say

Nederlander95 14

Even if he DOES value cartoons over some action (wtf???), why couldn't he enjoy the bj WHILE watching?

girlfriends come and go. DBZ is forever.

Always wait for anime but you could do both at the same time

that show is awesome, but not worth delaying sex

I'm glad he has his priorities Straight...he's a keeper!

Dragon balls > blue balls Any day

I would of let her give me a ******* while watching dragonball Z?