By SecondBest,IGuess - 30/04/2013 17:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was watching TV, when we started getting frisky. I'd just started to give him a blowjob when he pushed me off and said, "Fun's over." Dragon Ball Z had just come back on. He's 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 500
You deserved it 16 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha at least u know he's not using you for sex

I dunno why he did, it's 20 minutes of yelling and powering up...


Well, you can't just not watch Dragon Ball Z. It's the shit!

Dragon ball z is da sheeeet, nothing comes before dragon ball z

Why not do it while he's watching ? Problem solved

injuriousgecko 6

What type of guy turns down a ******** for dragonball z

misstwisted 7

My boyfriend is 24 and does the same thing. I feel your pain.

well your powerlevel is definitely NOT over 9000!

fml_seriously316 13

Wtf! What guy wouldn't want a bj?

Quadroblitz 10

Because Dragon Ball Z is for children.

If this isn't sarcasm, you're never too old to watch and enjoy Dragon Ball Z.

And he couldn't have had a ******* during Dragonball Z? I'm sure there's a fantasy in there somewhere!