By fishruinsex - 08/12/2010 08:46

By fishruinsex - 08/12/2010 08:46
By happyasaclam - 19/02/2009 00:55 - United States
By lily - 13/09/2020 14:01 - United States
By Ugh... - 20/07/2010 08:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/07/2009 07:35
By umm... - 30/03/2020 23:00 - Australia - Canberra
By sarajj - 29/03/2013 21:36 - United States - Littleton
By Oops - 26/09/2011 15:35 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 11/10/2019 00:01
By giantcuntflaps - 13/12/2014 16:03 - Australia
By unwantedlove - 25/02/2011 18:36 - France
It's funny cause the fish turns him on and not you ;)
your gay
I have a feeling he likes "'fishsticks'" ;)
Well, he can't be that much of a loser if he's got a girl's hands down his pants...
haha 66 maybe he's a gay fish?
#66 is defiantly loosy goosy :(
#76 I think so xD
where'd did get that idea?!
87 your really sexy xD
do fish turn him on because they remind him of you? or part of you?
You are hilarious Jersey! Awesome I <3 you
Guess you could say he was... *sunglasses* hooked on that program. YEEEAAAHHH!
This guy wins! Haha
#5 I love you
LMAO WIN #5!!! 8D
he was more interested in a fish on a pole, than he was in pole-ing your fish, I guess.
Sounds fishy to me.......
Cuz guys don't get soft wen something bad happens, I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect the blood flow in his **** if he gets sad...
but I'm pretty sure adrenaline that you could get from being really into the show could cause your penis to tighten up and retrace because it's a natural reaction when your fighting or exerting yourself physically in an unsexual way so your penis doesn't get ripped off or some shit
I guess he just had bigger fish to fry at the time.
what excellent use of the word flaccid. why does it always have to be saved for limp penises though...
Cos that is the most correct way to describe your penis.
Inb4 everyone suggests you just dump him.
do fish turn him on because they remind him of you? or part of you?
Guess you could say he was... *sunglasses* hooked on that program. YEEEAAAHHH!