By Vicky - 26/12/2009 20:47 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend went to kiss me as we were walking home. It was very icy and he slipped. His teeth went through my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 167
You deserved it 2 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those must be some horrible teeth or a horendous kisser..."oh no I'm falling, I'll catch my balance on your face, with my jaws" you date a german shepherd


Oooooh this happened to me too...when i was 4...i smashed my chin on a table and had to get stitches =/

No, they mean they bit through their lip like what happened to the OP (except for the fact it was the OP's boyfriend) when they were four...not the kissing part.

Hey, there's a funny site like FML but where visitors can tell their darkest secrets! It's :)

ouchhh but now you can have a tongue piercing!

Protoss616 0

No, "We we're" would make it read "As we we are about..." Similar thing happened to my brother, he came of his bike, his brace went through his lip, and he now has a massive scar there for life. :/

I'm not really sure whether to believe this. He might have bitten your lip, but for his tooth to go the whole way through? I would have thought his head would more likely bounce off yours, smacking your heads together perhaps... but to go right through your lip? I know people can do that to themselves (my brother did when he fell running up a flight of stone steps when he was 4). But to have another person do it to you... he must have actually bitten your lip and not just fallen. Majorly sucks if it's true though.

actually, it's not that hard. my friend just BIT her lip when she was only 11 and my teeth went straight through. Trust me, she has a scar now cuz here tooth literally went through her lip. I was there... it was gross