By Vicky - 26/12/2009 20:47 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend went to kiss me as we were walking home. It was very icy and he slipped. His teeth went through my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 167
You deserved it 2 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those must be some horrible teeth or a horendous kisser..."oh no I'm falling, I'll catch my balance on your face, with my jaws" you date a german shepherd


It's a seriously good thing that he is your boyfriend and not someone who had a crush on you because I'm sure you wouldn't be too inclined after this haha.

iSmellNice 2

Say, did he also break a third of your tooth, like the one from earlier today?

JustAReaderOfFml 4

invest in a HUMAN boyfriend. freak. disgusting! also, ydi coz pda's are gross, kthnxbai

jdawg2010 0

your kthanxbai really annoyed me. snob.

Oh.My. God. I'm wincing just thinking about it.

I don't believe it... but if Its true..ouchhh!!! that really suckss!!!

im sure im not the only person to cringe.