By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 13:20 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend, who is supposed to protect me from murderers and rapists, had an emotional breakdown because he was so excited that I'd cooked french fries for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 977
You deserved it 27 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a good thing isn't it? He was happy you made him something he enjoys. Food always gets to us men.

perdix 29

He's protecting you from murderers, yet you are trying to kill him from the inside. Ingrate!


OP... ehmm ... I'm sorry to break the news for you, but... stone age is over. For a very long time now. I think your boyfriend has better things to do than save you from rapists and murderers.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Such as, rape and murder you himself.

bubo_fml 10

If your boyfriend is like Superman, then french fries are his kryptionite!

43 love it! My kryptonite would be fast food. I love fries. I make them as a snack. Lol Op cops are supposed to portect you from bad guys.

fyl9907 0

Murderers and rapists...I don't see the relevance.

jasony0423 0

I wish my wife made French fries.

Amazingly, the police force is not everywhere 24/7. If you're relying on the police to keep you safe rather than as a clean up service, then you're in for a shock if something ever goes down. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. The only person you can rely on to protect you is YOU!

I wonder how he would act if u cooked him a loaded baked potato or even mashed potatoes??!? Mmmm. He might strip all your clothes off & have sex with you right there in the kitchen.

ClumsyKee 14

I would have done the same if my boyfriend cooked me french fries. Frikkin love those things. Who doesn't? Lol this isn't much of an FML.

So he likes chips, be happy you made him happy. What's the problem? Also, it's not his "job" to protect you, he might well do that when the situation demands it, but it's mainly the police force's (not to mention there's some responsibility on your own part to be careful and such). Besides, how does a fondness for chips mean he's not tough enough to protect you?

I'm slightly confused by the murderer/rapist part, but home cooked French Fries are the best French Fries, so why not get a little emotional?

blueeyedwolf 10

Since when did a relationship mean signing a petition saying you will also be her body guard? I don't know about you OP, but I can take good care of myself. My husband isn't responsible for taking care of me.