By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 13:20 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend, who is supposed to protect me from murderers and rapists, had an emotional breakdown because he was so excited that I'd cooked french fries for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 977
You deserved it 27 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a good thing isn't it? He was happy you made him something he enjoys. Food always gets to us men.

perdix 29

He's protecting you from murderers, yet you are trying to kill him from the inside. Ingrate!


ninjuh_wingman 29

You should be fine as long as the murderers and rapists arent using french fries as weapons.

I would like to know how he's suppose to protect u from murderers and rapists to begin with if someone is coming with the intent to kill there r plenty of ways to do so without him knowing. On the way to work for example while he's at work and ur at home Etc

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GoW_Chick 14

Don't listen OP! Keep your overly enthusiastic, french fry loving boyfriend, he sounds like a winner to me. :)

lizard399 0

Imagine what would have happened if you added chili to the mix 0_o

Maybe that is just the soft side of him?

Ugh see! This is why we stick to sammiches!

TunechiXXL 0

Sammiches are delicious! But French fries are amazing as well, how bout a sammiche with a side of fries?? Total combo!

Would you like Coke, Pepsi, or Beer with that combo?

witchdoctor1 9

Beer. Any girl that's bring me home cooked fries a sammich stacked and a beer is a keeper in my book

GoW_Chick 14

I think that's cute that he got excited, and don't blame him french fries are delicious, especially curly fries which for some reason are really hard to find, except in bowling allies.

Yourheadache 19
nonamericandolla 6

I think it's cute that he's exited about food that she made for him...

jacquay09 3

There is a jack in the box in Australia. I found one in Bondai beach in Sydney.

Are you incapable of protecting yourself from murderers and rapists? Who protects your boyfriend?? And I bet you want equal rights huh? If women want equal treatment as men get, they shouldn't expect us to hold doors for them, buy them everything, and protect them from murderers and rapists. There's this really shitty double standard in this world, where women expect to be treated by men BETTER, and at the same time expect to be treated as our equals. I'm happy with choosing one or the other, just not both.

Thank you for your biting whit Alan... Maybe I'm just looking to incite a flame war.

desireev 17

Arby's, Jack in the Box, Bowling Alleys, Wal*Mart... There's alot of places with curly fries. I make them just about every night as a side to whatever I make for dinner.. They are delicious!

So he showed you his soft side? I thought women are usually happy when a guy does that.

salvorican 24

Most women don't want their man to be emotional about food lol.. If he cries for French fries then what is he gonna do when he gets a whopper?

xcdog16 0

Lol mmmmmm ^ one can only imagine

He would probably have multiple orgasms while crying. "Oh god, *sniffle sniffle* the lettuce, tomato cheese on a sesame seed bun" *mmrff* " Just too good!" *sniffle*