By AmNot - 05/08/2010 04:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up to the flash of a camera. It was his mother taking pictures of my shoe print on his window sill and night stand. She said she was collecting evidence proving I snuck in through his window last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 791
You deserved it 9 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Good thing he woke up before she got to swabbing his **** for traces of your vag juice. They do that all the time on "CSI: Maury Povich."


daydreamstar 7

Is your name Edward Cullen? Oo'''''' and um somethings gotta give... but *Fave*

ryanmp1986 0

Haha some moms are so ridiculous

That is one hardcore mum! I'll have to remember that for my kids. No better way to embarrass them.

what a kook, who does that?....maybe a nun.

My mom would do worse than that! If my boyfriend were to sneak into my room at night, he'd be banned from my house forever and she would probably attempt to forbid me to see him ever again...Ridiculous!

I think the point of this fml is that she wasn't the one climbing through the window someones cheating 0.0

Your bf should have told her "If you want evidence, the condom's in the trash can", then rolled over and gone back to sleep.

better yet "if you want evidence, have your daughter buy a pregnancy test."