By tukker - 17/07/2009 23:14 - Canada

Today, my brother replaced my cologne with whiskey. I have a job interview and I smell like a drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 842
You deserved it 4 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alcohol has a strong smell. Unless you're scent-impaired, YDI.


1) I agree. Cologne at an interview is a turn-off. Or if you were to wear some, put it on HOURS before the interview, so that it's faint and become a part of your natural scent. 2) If you have time to post this to FML, then you have enough time to wash your neck. 3) Rub your skin with Purell® or something similar, the rapid-drying alcohol should evaporate the scent.

2) The limitations of FML posting ("Today,...") mean that there may need to be some lying in order to ever post a story here. I doubt he used the few minutes he had to post this FML.

hahahahha that's funny, but ah man that's sucksss

Erm, shower rather than FMLing about it? This is getting dangerously close to a YDI.

Cologne smells just as awful anyway. That was a lose-lose situation.

haha, how did he do that? you cant get the top off of the cologne or perfume bottles. im suspicious of a fake.

most work places are scent free zones now, so the cologne is over doing it anyways. also, change and shower, and if you don't have time, wash your face and change your shirt. if you don't have time for that, you need to learn not to leave things until the last minute so you have time to fix things when they go wrong.

dang_fml 0

Idk about the rest of you guys, but I find this prank hilarious. It does suck pretty bad for the OP, but his brother is mighty clever, lmao.

haha thats a good prank. Sucks for you though

wheedlebug1164 0

first one to make me laugh in a while. :-) YLS, but in a funny way.