By jeeperspeepers - 02/08/2009 22:03 - United States

Today, my brother's best friend spent the night and was changing with the door partially open. He's super hot and as I was watching him change, he sneezed. Forgetting he didn't know I was watching him, I said bless you. He called me a freak, slammed the door in my face and told my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 129
You deserved it 132 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were a pervert and you complained that you got caught? You're a freak to the highest extent.


I can understand why the guy called you a freak. The girl in my neighborhood used to do that (Not while I'm changing my cloths but while I'm out in just my towel after my bath). Man it so ******* creepy.

How is this NOT a YDI?? She was peeping! You're creepy and you deserve to get punished really bad by your parents.

RaBe2009 0

How is this and FML. You're lucky all he did was tell your parents and he didn't hit you....

Geeze, you definably deserve it for being so creepy and looking at him while he was changing. What are you, a peeping tom? Hope you got punished.

If the genders in this FML were switched there would be yet another sexism discussion, I bet.

I'm just glad every comment isn't ragging on the guy like #87

Protegas 0

It wouldn't matter what gender responds to this, pretty much every person in their right mind knows peeping isn't okay, weather it's a guy looking at a girl, or a girl looking at a guy.

That is freeky. Not mentioning totally perverted. What are you, a guy?!

Wow. Are you a sexist? What makes you think only guys peep. Even girls do it and it is wrong. SO just STFU.

conformingsucks 0

Haha... "What are you, a guy?" That made my day. OP: That's really weird. Seriously. But, he was hot, so I can't really blame you. But, you still deserve it, because it's weird and creepy, and gross. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

didn't you hear the story about the FEMALE teacher who raped a MALE student???? any gender can do something creepy, it's wrong on both sides.

CaPtAiN_Co 0

LMAO That's too funny. It's all good, I'd lurk on a hottie too.