By Anonymous - 15/06/2016 17:07 - United Kingdom - Hull

Today, my brother started ranting about how fluoridated water is a conspiracy to "turn people gay". I said the government must be doing a shit job of it, since he's been drinking the stuff longer than I've been alive and is still married to a woman. He punched me so hard, my vision blacked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 713
You deserved it 2 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING?! Did you look through my internet history? Bro… you alright?"

You might want to imitate him and wear a tinfoil hat for good measure. You never know when the government can be listening in. They're coming for you, OP.


Sebof2001 7

Lack of control on his part! I'm sure it was a joking punch

In his defence fluoridated water has been proven to affect growth rate hormones and G-Proteins not exactly turning people gay but can have some affect on sexuality when drunk in large doses

Did you choose the wrong word..? I have a hard time believing drinking something will somehow make someone start being attracted to a gender they weren't before.

Fluoride is probably the least dangerous thing that 25 has ingested today. For real though, were you sober and lucid while you typed that?

Maybe he meant it makes you want/not want sex as much. He didn't say it changes your orientations, actually he said it didn't. He just said it affects your sexuality. Not saying he is correct though. I have no idea.

#29 Then again, many people that have been "experimenting" did so after drinking something.

That's what I thought he might mean but libido would be a better word still..

Wow what's up with the dislikes just throwing facts out

Alright time to cite sources feast your eyes fellow fmlers (1985,87)-Bigay was the person who found out flouride affected G-proteins strunecka and patocka 1999-2003 found out it affects hormone growth and in their books/notes they mentioned how it could affect sexuality since our hormones are closely linked to our sexuality I didn't say it was conclusive but having talking to multiple professors they said it could definitely be a possibility

'Affects hormone growth and maybe, possibly could be linked to hormones affecting sexuality' is a pretty far step from 'can affect sexuality'. There's no conclusive evidence, it's a supposition, which is not what your original post implies. Also there's a LOT of different hormones, most of them having nothing to do with sexuality. So yeah, without further study I'm not buying it.

What a shitty reason to punch someone out though.

Maybe he'll publish his own FML when you sock him back.

Some people are just ******* weird when it comes to having their delusions shot down as being flawed. But I suppose that is why they are called delusions.

My favorite conspiracy is "the government is putting brain altering chemicals in tinfoil"... Watch out tin foil hatters, they know how to get you

Ah nothing better than people resorting to violence when they get served. Or perhaps he is gay and is frustrated and that is why he punched you?