By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, my brother thought he would take my key and steal my shoes from my football locker while I was at practice. What he didn't think about was him leaving my locker unlocked for the 3 hours of practice. Someone stole my iPod, my cell phone, my wallet, and all of my clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 202
You deserved it 2 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatsmccraken 0

go home and take a dump in his pillow case

Jep, Stand up for yourself and make him pay.


friscobuff 0

Ass! Why would you say that? You know I hope one day you're parents Move to Oregon... And then every way out of oregon gets blown the **** up....

FMLFML123123 0

YDI for living in the ******* G H E T T O Oregon

I bet if you go to oregon you'll find a dominantly white city...jerk

I say you should punch him right in the mouth and force him to replace the stolen items. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if your brother had actually stolen all the missing stuff. Because it's his job as a brother to be obnoxious. Fortunately, it's your sibling duty to kick his ass when he crosses the wrong line.

Looks like the lil **** owes you bigtime.

Your brother better pay for those things that got stolen. Also, burn those sneakers, I'm sure they are now contaminated or unusable.

YDI because you have a key lock, not a combination one. Anyone can steal a key, but its hard too figure out a combination

peace7love2FML 0

ya but if u have a combo lock someone could just hit the side hard and it opens, so key locks are safer

bosshaug 0

Thats y I quit playing football. You can't trust those that you play with

Hmm...iPod stolen...posted fml with iPod...fake??

playfuldesk 0
playfuldesk 0

Maybe the person who stole his clothes is a crazed fan of his?