By rkbkate - 11/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Phenix City

Today, my brother was playing with the pepper spray on my key chain. He didn't think it was real, so to test it he sprayed me in the mouth while I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 533
You deserved it 2 879

rkbkate tells us more.

rkbkate 6

This was my post thanks for all the comments guys Haha my brother has a rude awakening coming soon Haha and he is no longer able to touch my keys.

Top comments

Your revenge is simple. While he sleeps, spray his balls.

Damn! What a rude awakening! Is he still alive. I'm cranky as hell if woken up normally! I would have to plot my revenge very carefully...


Your revenge is simple. While he sleeps, spray his balls.

New picture! Ummm they stepped on some sort of sharp object that broke inside their foot?

New picture... A extremely fat person

Hey people you think Doc bastard is funny here; go read his blog. Incredibly funny stuff!!!!

That's if he has any balls.. Yeah? no ok I didn't think this was a good comment either sorry :/

Icy Hot in his underwear sounds like a good counter attack.

Awful idea, 26. One stray pellet and the kid is blind, which would be a little extreme as a form of revenge.

That was really nice of him. Next time he should have tried it out on himself.

I hope he's really young to not know any better, not that that makes it any better. But if he's old enough to know that that's a bad idea and did it anyways I hope he's got some payback comming to him.

Fuuuu--Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, that'd hurt so bad! Especially if he got you when you were breathing in, uck! Hope you're feeling better, although revenge is in definite order here. -.-

I don't think OP would appreciate being woken up for something like that!

I don't think OP appreciates being pepper sprayed in the mouth.

I don't blame him for testing it on you. I wouldn't trust anyone with answering that. Like the American government not telling us about December 2012, for "the public's safety." But it's coming, I already have my bunker ready and everything.

Pardon my trolling you guys. I was excruciatingly bored, tired and wanted to try something....different. :)

82-You should stick around then, it happens more often than you think, and not just to me.

He's crazy but at least it wasn't your eyes.

Damn! I'd kick his ass! But you really shouldn't have left it where he could get at it either.

He really doesn't sound that young. He should be at the age where he understands you don't play with pepper spray. He knows what it is and what it does.