By mother to an ugly doll - 04/09/2013 18:10 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my car window got smashed, because someone somehow confused the doll my daughter always leaves strapped into a carseat for an actual kid. It's a cabbage patch kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 749
You deserved it 4 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jw90 18

From a distance it might be easy to confuse a doll for a child. But once they got up close I'd think they could distinguish.


People are too jumpy in today's society. Windows are too expensive for mistakes like that.

Oh the joy of stupidity...or the excuse of robbery - choices, choices...

lolita88_fml 27

This is why I think the human race is hopeless..

Little4Bear 10

Wtf? You're ridiculous. Okay guys! I guess faith is in the hands of the cabbage patch kids!

its not a fair mistake, it was probably some kid who just watched the movie Kickass

thelizarddd 7
Knightchaser27 25

I hope you were parked in a parking lot with cameras

Callilah 13

Lol, I just thought the other day if this ever happens....I guess it does. Sorry though that it happened.

"Wait, is that a child sitting im the back of a car that is not mine? Better smash the windows!" How do you even come to that conclusion... sigh.

A young child left alone in a hot car could basically die within 15 mins. If anyone sees a child, unmoving, in a hot car, they should always try to get it out. But I do agree that the person who did that was acting on impulse. I hope they at least left their information so it can be settled.