By LyraAlluse - 18/05/2014 23:35 - United States - Chandler

Today, my cat decided to hide in the garbage can so he could get a free trip outside, but was too fat to climb all of the way inside of it. He got stuck half-way in. It took me ten minutes to get him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 778
You deserved it 6 228

LyraAlluse tells us more.

He got stuck in one of those oddly shaped bathroom trashcans. And it was his tail end that got stuck, so he was sticking out of the trashcan like a jack-in-the-box. Because the can was oddly shaped it was hard to figure out how to get the cat free and make it as humane as possible. Also, the cat kept trying to roll around in the trash can because he thought it would help. My cat isn't the brightest crayon in the package but he is pretty funny.

Top comments

TabooSushi 24

... The only thing that surprised me about this is that it took that long to get him out. How did that happen? If he was only halfway in, I'd think you could just grab him and lift him out. Or gently tip over the can and dump him out.


dDailydDosage 8

How did you know your cat's intentions? Maybe he/she wanted a new clubhouse lol

why is this coming up as "latest"??? this was one of my fav posts a year ago

How cute. Please say he's ginger too, that would just be the icing on the cake!

If your cat is so fat it can't climb into a wastebasket, you're not taking proper care of your cat.

Honestly, YDI. Hope this is a wake up call actually help your cat get to its original weight.