By Anonymous - 29/01/2011 08:09 - France

Today, my cat died while walking around the kitchen. He had a heart attack when the toaster popped out two slices of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 508
You deserved it 4 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Toasters a new weapon for murder now. What is the world coming to...


QueenPersephone 9

This made me laugh. When I first read the fml I thought 'If only he had toasted just one piece'.

brt3420 13

I'm sorry but I actually laughed at this a lot. I don't like cats but it sucks it died but it's a cat so I laugh

oh my goodness I'm so sorry! now I feel bad everytime my kitties get scared. need to go hug them now.

OP is a selfish git for thinking about their own sorry life when the poor cat has just snuffed it.

AllieTheAwesome 0

omg that was awesome!! (") (x.x) (")

hahayousucks 3