By Anonymous - 20/04/2011 02:21 - United States

Today, my cat took a shit in my toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 604
You deserved it 8 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mikejunior88 4

did you discover this before or after you made your toast?

scrape out the shit and use it as Nutella on your toast. tasty solution ;)


hahahaha!!! funniest thing I've heard this week!!! sucks, but, toasters are cheap...:)

savagearmz 6

lol to get it out u should put it on the timer and launch that SHIT!

missy1228 2
Erindub 0
madeingeorgia 0

YDI for having a cat! Indoor pets are gross...

kitkatmiaow 21

that makes no sense at all...

hotblonde23 0

ouch poor toaster...that sucks. but it is pretty funny. I think you should buy a new toaster.