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By HBSLICE - 02/02/2016 18:37 - United States

Today, my cellphone-hating teacher called someone during class, so I called him out about it. Turned out his wife was having a tumor removed, and he was calling to see if she was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 674
You deserved it 25 405

HBSLICE tells us more.

all I did was make a joke about his policy and he blew the **** up. he is the kind of guy that gives you 3 days of detention if your phone vibrates in your pocket. real nazi.

Top comments

I assume since the teacher made that rule he'd make sure it's a damn good reason he's using it.

ScottVining 21

If he really hates phones you should've realized it was something serious.


Why would u feel bad he wouldn't let u do the same

Sorry, OP, but you deserve it. He is the teacher after all, so he gets to make the rules. Anyway, sounds like he had a good reason, not like when you probably do it.

Everyone is so sensitive. I'm going to go ahead and make an assumption that OP is in high school.. Which probably means that they are a child. As a child, I'm sure that more than one of us has tried to go up against people of authority.. Which is just natural. I think FYL, because clearly OP (being a child) wouldn't assume or even begin to imagine that something so serious was happening in his teachers life. Obviously a moment of learning to be more respectful and/or sensitive towards people of authority.

Long long ago back in 1998, everyone didn't have a cell phone and we passed notes in class *gasps*

He should've made a point that it was an important call or left the room, cuz otherwise it just makes him seem like a hypocrite and I'd have said something too

CosmoLazz 7

oh God, I know you must have felt bad when he told you, but hey you just wanted to find out why the behavior when he restricted it's usage in first place, I tell you he might even be glad that someone cared to ask!!

I honestly don't understand the ydi here. He is a kid who called his teacher out I honestly don't see a problem here. All you people going on about authority are being a bit silly. When OP does enter the work force he will learn it all then and won't do things to piss his boss off because they are the ones PAYING him. But even so that doesn't mean you should never call your boss out for something, I had a boss once who was trying to get me to help another worker who had been slacking off, even though he could clearly see I had tonnes of work to do myself (more than usual because of this slack worker) I told him no and didn't back down because i knew I was in the right. Another time I was working somewhere and they underpaid their workers I called them out and they ended up paying everyone fairly. Point being just because someone is in an authority position doesn't automatically mean you can't call them out for breaking their own rules especially if you are just having a joke with them. It was a mistimed joke that's all and you people in the comments are making it sound like the kid did it on purpose like he knew exactly what was going on.