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By HBSLICE - 02/02/2016 18:37 - United States

Today, my cellphone-hating teacher called someone during class, so I called him out about it. Turned out his wife was having a tumor removed, and he was calling to see if she was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 674
You deserved it 25 405

HBSLICE tells us more.

all I did was make a joke about his policy and he blew the **** up. he is the kind of guy that gives you 3 days of detention if your phone vibrates in your pocket. real nazi.

Top comments

I assume since the teacher made that rule he'd make sure it's a damn good reason he's using it.

ScottVining 21

If he really hates phones you should've realized it was something serious.


Tell me one reason a kid needs a phone in class?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Because they think they are special and deserve it. There's no real reason, unless you are in the same situation as the teacher was. I've seen kids gripe and complain that they couldn't use their phone in class when all they wanted to do was play a game or get on social media.

amccaul1976 8

he could not do it out in the hall?

surely he would have been at the hospital with his wife instead of at work? is his wife's health not a bit more important?!

Might have already used up all available sick days, so might not have had a choice in the matter.

I know his call had significant importance. But he must adhere to what he preaches. No cell phones during class. So you had a right to call him out on it

I can see it both ways. As a teechur, I never make a rule I don't want to follow. Since I teach technology phones are fine as long as they are away during learning time. In your case since he's kind of a hard ass about it, probably wasn't smart to say anything, even though it was wrong. However, if it were me, I would have told all y'all in advance that my husband was sick and I'd be needing to use my cell phone because of that. It's not easy being a HS teacher, but it sounds to me like he makes it more difficult.

I can understand why you called him out on it. Teachers should abide by their own rules. I don't allow cell phones out during class, and so my phone is also silenced and put away. My husband had surgery last week, and I waited until my prep period to call and check on him.

You don't disrespect a teacher like that

He should have saved the call for a lunch break or taken the day off if it's so serious.

You may always be jokey with him, but apologise anyway and think a bit more in the future. Otherwise you might end up saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, and you'll be in even bigger trouble (think jobs and being fired).

He's the teacher. You're the student. Regardless of the reason you are a disrespectful prick and should definitely feel like a fucktard. Congratulations.