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By HBSLICE - 02/02/2016 18:37 - United States

Today, my cellphone-hating teacher called someone during class, so I called him out about it. Turned out his wife was having a tumor removed, and he was calling to see if she was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 674
You deserved it 25 405

HBSLICE tells us more.

all I did was make a joke about his policy and he blew the **** up. he is the kind of guy that gives you 3 days of detention if your phone vibrates in your pocket. real nazi.

Top comments

I assume since the teacher made that rule he'd make sure it's a damn good reason he's using it.

ScottVining 21

If he really hates phones you should've realized it was something serious.


well, if someone was that anal about it, i would assume they'd have a good reason, but school, like work, you shouldn't be on your phone anyway unless its an emergency, like so

You are right down there with the sort of people who goad police officers into reacting and film it so they can say, "Ya! **** tha po-leese! Them's all bad!" You ******* moron.

1. You don't get to call out teachers. It's not the teacher being a hippocrite, it's a fact of life. The teacher can't teach when 24 students are all texting and playing on their phones. A teacher can quickly send a text message or make a phone call at the back of the class while the students are working on an individual or grooup activity without disrupting the learning process. Most students are incapable of waiting to use their phones until an appropriate time (hence the cell phone policy). 2. Every teacher (middle school, high school, or college) that I have ever seen has made exceptions to the phone policy if a student will just come up and talk to the teacher. If your sister is having a baby or something you just tell the teacher "hey this is going on, is it ok for me to check my phone if I get a message today". The teacher says "yes" and you go on about your day. 2.5 The teacher is the authority figure, not the class. If a student wants an exception then they talk with the teacher about it (and the teacher doesn't inform the class because that's none of the class's business). So if the teacher wants an exception he doesn't need to ask the class or even inform them as he's the authority. 3. It wouldn't surprise me if the teacher was just being a smartass. Kind of like how pregnant women joke about saying they have a tumor when they are asked if they are pregnant. I mean, not saying your teacher is but if a smart alec called me out in class I'd probably make a smart alec comment back.

hypocrite*. No offense. That's just how you spell it.

Rules are rules ... He should've excused himself from the classroom. Hell, he should've been at his wife's side when she had the tumor removed–if it wasn't serious enough for him to be there, it wasn't serious enough for him to not wait until a break between classes.

Yes I'm sure the teacher would much rather be at work dealing with little douche-nozzles like OP rather than at his wife's side. Maybe he didn't have the option? Teachers don't exactly bring home a lot of income and treatment is expensive.

Coland 19

I've done that to my mom a few times. Each time it was my grandma saying someone was in the hospital

Publikwerks 14

No, F that, you get to call him out on it. Why? Because does he make exceptions for students to take calls in case of emergency? I'm guessing no, and I would guess that it's because it is too distracting to the class and he doesn't want to deal with policing it. Well, his call is an equal distraction. It is wasting all the students time as much as any student getting a call. The only difference is that it's not his time being wasted. Now, while you may not have any recourse, you can at least expose his hypocrisy.

follow up time: he and I are have always been friendly and joked with eachother. I cracked a joke and he blew up on me. couldn't really fit the whole story into a few sentences.

You might have just asked the wrong question at the wrong time. If his wife is getting a tumor removed then shit is serious and the pressure of being a teacher and caring for her might have made things worse. Anyway he probably shouldn't have blown up on you. Hope y'all get back y'alls good relationship.

Maybe just apologize to him anyway, and pass good healing wishes to his wife. I can totally relate being worried sick for a close family member. I'd be edgy and agitated too.

He's at work, you're the student. He's an adult, you're a teenager. The rules are for you while you attend, they are not rules set in his contract. So yes, he can use his phone whenever he needs to providing his superiors are OK with it.

This perfectly sums up the attitude of students (or non-adults in general) towards teachers (or any one who is an adult no matter their occupation). Even "jokingly" calling out the teacher is disrespectful regardless of his cellphone usage policy.