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By HBSLICE - 02/02/2016 18:37 - United States

Today, my cellphone-hating teacher called someone during class, so I called him out about it. Turned out his wife was having a tumor removed, and he was calling to see if she was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 674
You deserved it 25 405

HBSLICE tells us more.

all I did was make a joke about his policy and he blew the **** up. he is the kind of guy that gives you 3 days of detention if your phone vibrates in your pocket. real nazi.

Top comments

I assume since the teacher made that rule he'd make sure it's a damn good reason he's using it.

ScottVining 21

If he really hates phones you should've realized it was something serious.


All the people excusing the teacher. If you make a rule, ******* obey it. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.

There are generally extenuating circumstances to rules. This is an example.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

His ******* wife just had surgery. You're scum.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Damn, my comment got moderated. Well, to re-phrase what I said in a more "polite" form, the man's wife just has surgery, for Christ's sake. I think he had a good enough reason to break his own rule. If you were in the same position, what would you do? Just stressfully wonder about your wife because you don't want to be called a hypocrite?

If he won't let his students do the same thing, he has no right to do it. That's shameless hypocrisy.

#128- I'd be glad that rule is there in the first place. At least the teacher cares enough about you and your education to enact the rule in the first place. OP could have just politely asked about it, instead of making a joke, as he explained as commenter #85. The teacher probably blew up because he was really stressed. There are always exceptions to a rule though, such as when surgery/death.ect happens. Personally, I'd get mad whenever students were just being idiots that didn't care about their education.

Maybe I'm an arsehole but I feel you had every right to do that. I don't think you should feel bad OP

First of all he shouldn't be using his phone at all during class, no matter the reason, that is usually a school policy, making him a hypocrite, lastly, what the **** is he doing at work?! He should be with his wife! He is a bastard.

If I were him, id get a sub and clear things with the principal and then go. I understand his situation but he should at least explain himself.

Not all schools have a policy where he could just take off to be with his wife. And honestly it's not any of the student's who he is on the phone with.

Sounds like BS. Why wasn't he with her?

Why was the teacher at school while his wife get a tumor removed? Shouldn't he be by her side for support. Who goes to work while their spouse is having major surgery? smh

Wyrmflight 13

Teachers often don't have the luxury of not going to work whenever they want, I doubt they wanted to work that day but subs aren't always available.

theamazingd 17

Usually, if something like that happens, in my experience, the teacher lets the class know, like, "Hey, XYZ is going on, and I may need to step out to use the phone during this class. Please bear with me."

MikaykayUnicorn 36

The teacher shouldn't have to tell the class what's going on. It's none of their business. If a teacher needs to make a call, they need to make a call. No one has the right to question them. They are the authority figure, after all.

aeryn97 17

those with the gold, make the rules. you are a student and must accept it no matter how fair or unfair. when you get older, you can be a teacher and make your own rules. YDI you're not the teacher now.

I agree with you, he shouldn't have made the call. He could've missed the day or called before or after class. We get in trouble even with valid reasons, so should they

Mattanatior 11

Doesn't matter if a kid called for that reason the teacher wouldn't care

OP, you don't deserve that shit from a hypocritical teacher.