By sucker - 06/01/2011 03:55 - Canada

Today, my cheating ex-boyfriend was offered the job we both interviewed for. I helped him with his cover letter before I found out about the affair. I've been unemployed for almost two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 986
You deserved it 4 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The cover letter doesn't get the job, it gets an interview. The interview gets the job. The best candidate won.

ulicksam 0

He didn't get the job because of a cover letter. He's obviously more qualified for the job so YDI.


He was better than you in the interview..

boatkicker 4

Not sure how things are in Ontario right now (where OP is from) but I know that it took me three years to get a job just working a cash register.

ChefGuy 0

two years? serious? how do you live? what do you do 40 hours a week? I suggest for those 40 hours looking for a job. move perhaps to a better town... need I continue?

ChefGuy 0

sorry to hear tho about the ex. maybe then he could get you a job!

shouldn't you have been able to write a better cover letter yourself. Plus why would your ex take job advice from somebody unemployed for 2 years.

Its not a affair if hes not your husband..

rain_or_shine 8

Thats ironic in a really sad way, but it lets you know that you are good at writing cover letter. Apply to other places and you will be ale to get a job eventhough it's tough and give yourself credit for him having the job even though that may be more frustrating. You could not have foreseen everything that happened!