By greeter - 18/10/2016 06:49 - Canada - Willow Grove

Today, my class had a very important meeting about workplace safety. I thought I led some of my classmates to the meeting very well, until they informed me that I accidentally ran a red light on the way there. They brought this infraction up during the class every chance they got. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 088
You deserved it 3 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you ceartainly got the lime light, didn't you? That doesn't really work, does it..

you clearly were just showing them a real life example of what NOT to do... they passed


Well, you ceartainly got the lime light, didn't you? That doesn't really work, does it..

If I were there, I wouldn't stop singing, Roxanne You don't have to run through the red light! Roxanne You don't have to run through the red light! Roxanne You don't have to run through the red light!

That's not really a FML I'd say, it's funny tho.

just tell them what I normally say... I'm white and a bit crazy. be glad I ONLY ran a red light. lol

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Let them drive themselves next time.

you clearly were just showing them a real life example of what NOT to do... they passed

Well at least you helped educate your coworkers

species4872 19

How can you accidentally run a red light? Pay frigging attention next time.

Gaernem 17

Don't really know why this is being down voted, people's lives could've been at stake and we don't know. There's irony in the OP's FML, but not so much humor.

I accidently ran a red light once. The light turned orange and I didn't have enough time to stop (I was about four feet from it), but it went red before I crossed the line. Turns out that light was defective and they ended up getting police out to direct traffic while it was fixed, but my point is you can accidently run a red light. :)

Yeah it's not that hard to run a red light if you overestimate how much time you have to clear the intersection.

species4872 19

Bullshit, Apart from defective traffic signals as #12 said there is no way a competent driver will accidentally run a normally functioning red light. #13 If you can't estimate crossing an intersection properly you are a danger to yourself and everyone else.. As for the down voters, Either you don't drive or you shouldn't be driving.

According to science, most yellow lights should be at least 3 seconds long to give people ample amount of time to react and slow down. And a recent poll said that most yellow lights in Illinois are barely 2 seconds long. To make matters worse, my college town had long yellow lights to allow for the busses to react. So as soon as I get used to that and then come to Illinois, I'm expecting longer lights.

It's easy to do if you're distracted, tired and/or in a hurry. I got a ticket for running a stop sign I never saw in a rush to get to a bathroom during a road trip. My mind had convinced myself that it was a separate turn lane going right, and I still look at that intersection on google maps thinking, "man, how did I miss that."

Well, what had happened was the traffic lights were brand new, but the city inexplicably never took down the stop signs which had controlled the intersection earlier. Seeing the stop sign, I didn't expect there to also be traffic lights present. Not that this is any excuse on my part since it was a dangerous and stupid thing to do.

Reality_bites 14

I thought the same as #9. Especially since the fml states "until they informed me". What? How can you not know you've run a red light?

You crossed the red light on your own personal time.. It wasn't a work safety issue.. You want them to be safe at workplace so that they don't get hurt and the company doesn't get sued. As I trainer I would've told them that.. I train for safety but that doesn't give you the right to check if I am wearing a condom when I'm being intimate..

species4872 19

To make the distinction that an event occurred in their personal time and not relevant to workplace safety is absurd. If a person cannot practice safe standards in their personal life they are hardly able to practice them in the workplace. Safety does not stop when you leave work.