By romance sucks. - 18/12/2013 21:20 - United States - Spencer

Today, my class was interrupted by flowers, balloons and chocolates. Then he sang to me a song he wrote himself. This was all for our one-year anniversary. It probably would have been the best day of my life... if I knew who he was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 684
You deserved it 3 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he ask you to take a picture with him to show to his friends?


I just read your username, OP. It made me laugh; I love it!

pinchepriscyla 9

did you laugh at his soprano? because if you did then youre mean. he worked hard.

Really hope you find out who this is..,it seems like a stalker at the moment but hey when you find out you might have a great guy...

What the... How the... Who the... But why? That guys not just a stalker, he's stalker 2.0

The moment that you realize he didn't exist, and that you were daydreaming the whole thing.

perdix 29

Do you have brain damage? Is this like "50 First Dates?" If you are of sound mind, you have the best stalker ever! Most celebrate anniversaries by sending you creepy mixtapes and taking a dump on your porch.