By Sleep_lover654 - 07/01/2016 06:46 - United States - Tempe
Sleep_lover654 tells us more.
First of all, Iwanted to thank FML staff for publishing this, I didn't think they would. Anyway, I just wanted to clear up some obvious confusion here. The full story is, of course my sister dropped off her baby at my apartment. Later on, I had left the baby for her nap, naturally leaving the door open as I always saw my sister do. I went into the kitchen to make her bottle and a quick meal for me. I didn't see my dog near me but I thought nothing of it since he is always so well- behaved. Right when I finished, I heard the baby cry out but giggle, so I thought maybe she had gotten one of the toys. Clearly wrong. I went into the room to see my dog had somehow (do not ask how for I do not know) opened her crib, gotten in, and did...well, did that. I had to quickly pry him off of course but unfortunately, the image is burned into my mind.
Top comments
Someone is way too early into zoophillia
As Scooby Doo would say, "Ruh Roh!"
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Show it anywayyes #22 he did but none of the story matched with the moms story and all facts pointed to it being a human crime
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Show it anywayNo no he OP sent the dog to your home so that it could hump u.
Why is this being downvoted? Where the hell DID OP leave the baby? I love dogs but you really shouldn't leave a dog and a baby alone in a room together. **** you sister's life and her baby's life, I hope you get your act together or she finds another babysitter.
it's being down voted because no, you don't just leave babies in their cribs. like, you obviously don't have kids. if you did you would know that babies are generally crawling by 5 months. which, is on the floor. "you need to get your act together" I highly doubt this person instructed the dog to go hump their niece. some dogs just hump everything. for all we know OP just walked out the room to get a new diaper or food and walked back in on that
Lol, I'm a qualified teacher and nursery worker...I know kids. I'm not saying you should leave them in a crib permanently. But no, they don't start typically crawling at 5 months. But even if they did, that doesn't mean you leave a young child alone with a dog. Even if just for less than a minute, this FML proves why you don't. It could have been even worse.
and I'm a parent. I've also raised 3 other kids that aren't mine. you don't just leave an infant alone, while they're wide awake, to go get prep your meal and the babies in a completely separate room. that's why they have the infant bouncy seats and high chairs? like... you are obviously miss know it all... getting a bottle real quick is one thing. but to also get yourself a meal together? that's a lot of time for a baby to be alone. you should know. you know everything. ...especially considering OP said "while I was in the kitchen the dog somehow opened the crib, got in and started to do that" why would the dog have that much time to do that? because they left the kid alone too long. #56
You should not let the dog babysit!
Horribly inappropriate yet hilariously well done pun
why though? dogs will hump literally anything they can get on
Looks like Scooby-Doo needs to solve the mystery of not humping stuff.

You should not let the dog babysit!
Someone is way too early into zoophillia